Impressions of the United Arab Emirates

It took a long minute to press the “purchase” button. Once the mouse clicked, there was no turning back and my bank account would be depleted of a thousand dollars. I would have no choice but to take my first international flight halfway around the world to the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, to beContinueContinue reading “Impressions of the United Arab Emirates”

50 Thoughts About Turning 50

This year I will be a half century old. It’s hard to believe, but true. I’m not one who normally talks about my birthday. Not because a higher number makes me want to crawl into a hole to hide from Ms. Age. It’s just another day for me. In fact, I forgot my birthday oneContinueContinue reading “50 Thoughts About Turning 50”

Gratitude Journal

Gratitude. It’s something we tend to take for granted. Maybe because it’s easier to complain and find the negative side of things. But feeling and expressing gratitude is good for our health. A few months ago, the health website I use posted an article about things to do in the evening to prepare for theContinueContinue reading “Gratitude Journal”

Conversations With Hunter

Five states and 750 miles can’t keep me away from four of the cutest and funnest kids in the Midwest. I’m privileged to be their Great Aunt, emphasis on GREAT, and they range from one to eleven years old. After visiting my niece’s family in the arctic north twice, I decided to keep a recordContinueContinue reading “Conversations With Hunter”